Contracts ? Companies ? Events
36,2 m
124 899 in the last 30 days
Active procurements
49 K
5 741 in 24 hrs
Auctions without participants
20 %
0% in the last 30 days
Active companies
7 534 K
5 335 in the last 7 days
Blacklisted companies
5 093 K
4 500 244 in the last 7 days
7 082 K
19 857 in the last 7 days
Procuring entities
224 K
2 171 in the last 6 months
941 K
21 429 in the last 6 months
44 644 K
368 347 in the last 30 days

The state-of-the-art solutions for your business

For state-owned enterprises, large businesses and SMEs.

Nothing ventured. Profit gained
SMEs For Suppliers
Enhanced operations
For Customers Large businesses
Nothing ventured. Profit gained
Analyze demand and apply for the best bids. Find reliable partners and discover your competitors' weak spots. Calculate risk prior to dealing and stay up-to-date about the market.
Recommending the best procurements
Comprehensive due diligence
Analyzing subject's media coverage
Contracts total
44 644 K
+ 368 347 in the last 30 days
7 082 K
+ 19 857 in the last 7 days
Active procurements
49 K
- 5 741 in 24 hrs
Active companies
7 534 K
- 5 335 in the last 7 days
Blacklisted companies
5 093 K
+4 500 244 in the last 7 days
Enhanced operations
Automate operations for your tender specialists and sales force. Build a competitive edge by following the most moneymaking procurements. Get your calculated chances of winning and prepare documentation twice as fast.
Automated document management
Predicting potential competitors & winning prospects
Corporate connections tree
941 K
+ 21 429 in the last 6 months
Procuring entities
224 K
+ 2 171 in the last 6 months
Procurements total
36,2 m
+ 124 899 in the last 30 days
Bidding without participants
20% in the last 30 days

About Seldon

We develop and implement the solutions of the future.

Processing big data from all over the world
Making sure the information from official open sources on companies, tenders and media events is clustered, well-structured and up-to-date.
Analyzing calculated indicators
Exploring the realms of Big Data and machine learning for the benefit of our clients.
Developing linguistic technologies
To accurately analyze the today's media agenda, enhance our search engine and make our products multilingual.
Conducting predictive market research
Indicating trends and drawing reliable conclusion to support further decision-making.
Giving a whole new meaning to efficiency
Implementing automation and optimization of the government and private business operations.
Designing user-friendly interface
Ensuring our solutions are easy to work with and unleashing the potential of well-presented data.


Open up new opportunities with Seldon.

Achieve success in tenders
Follow the recommended tenders, know your chances of winning and keep track of competitors.
Substantiate the initial maximum price of a contract
Search for contracts, conduct price analysis.
Conduct due diligence and find partners
Assess company's reliability by looking into its strengths and weaknesses.
Bid teams solution
Automate operations, delegate responsibility and monitor efficiency.
Stay up-to-date with the world
Read relevant news, get event assessment and access profiles of companies and people.
Participate in tenders
Search for tenders, analyze markets and check procuring entities.


We consult. We train. We tackle financial risk.


Currently benefitting from working with Seldon.

Our Partners

Meet the companies that rely on Seldon products:

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